SRIVERM, INC. is a non-profit organization with the mission of communicating yoga instruction including meditation, breathing and relaxation practices in the Himalayan tradition and uplifting the poor especially through education.
The Swami Rama Institute of Vocational Education and Research, Malethi, India was established by Swami Hariharananda Bharati in 2005 to give literacy, vocational and socio-economic development to the significantly underprivileged and underserved sections of the society in the district of Pauri Garhwal, Uttarkhand, in the Himalayas.
The guardians of this project in India is a non-profit organization called Swami Rama Nishkam Karma Yoga Trust established by Swami Hariharananda Bharati. They ensure all finances are accounted for and protect the integrity of each expenditure. Funds go directly to assisting the underprivileged in a variety of ways.
Current services funded completely by private donations include
Public School
(Privately Funded Nursery to Eighth Grade Level Education)
Vocational Training
(Each class has a maximum capacity of 20 students)
Bachelor of Education College
(80 students admitted for the coming year)
Herbal Gardens
Guest House
Meditation Hall and Residences
Staff and Youth Hostel
Children's School
The Public School, following CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) pattern, is presently servicing about 175 poor village children from nursery school through tenth grade. Students come from about 30 villages. There is a scholarship fund to enable the poorest of these children to have clothes, shoes, schoolbooks , transportation and tuition.

Vocational Training
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant Certification
One year course
Electrical Wiring Certification
Two year course
Each class has a maximum capacity of 20 students The curriculum prescribed by the National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) and nationally recognized certificates are issued by NCVT after successful completion of the course and the final cumulative examination.
Herbal Gardens
The herbal gardens have been planted after making tiers in the mountain slope. Thousands of roses have been cultivated primarily for rose water. Stevia, rosemary, and many other herbs are also planted. Some mountain tiers are reserved for growth of our own fruits and vegetables for residents, teachers and visitors that come throughout the year.


Teachers and Other Staff
The heart of the school are the teachers. Our teachers are the best in the mountain region, and when children need individual help they are always there.

The School
Our school stands out in the hills as a bright beacon, even visible from satellites.

Independence Day
Independence Day is special to everyone. A day to show our pride in our school and our country.

Mountain Flowers
To remind everyone of the beauty of the mountains.